Ingenious Writers Contest
The Ingenious Writers Contest was organized during the winter 2017 semester by SARA, Direction des affaires professorales, de la recherche et des partenariats (DAPRP), and Substance ÉTS. This contest asked students to summarize a scientific article written by an ÉTS professor in 1200 words or less, with the goal of making the content accessible to an informed reader who is not necessarily an expert in the field.
A committee consisting of ÉTS professors and employees evaluated the 31 papers submitted by students. The committee had a difficult time determining the winners, as we received many texts of excellent quality. The chosen winners each distinguished themselves with particular nuances in how they summarized the original articles in a clear and interesting way, while they maintained important aspects of the original thread, and still made the research accessible to a non expert reader.

- 1st place ($1500) : Ted Julien Tchinde Fotsin for his text Vers un meilleur suivi du patient après le traitement endovasculaire d’un
anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale which summarizes an article cowritten by professor Sophie Lerouge;
- 2nd place ($1000) : Smarjeet Sharma for his text Making LTE Networks More Efficient: The Path to a More Sustainable Growth of the Internet of Things which summarizes an article cowritten by professor Michel Kadoch;
- 3rd place ($500) : Marion Ghibaudo for her text Impacts des changements climatiques sur la rénovation et la conception des bâtiments de demain which summarizes an article cowritten by professor Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon.
Publications in Substance ÉTS
During the summer of 2017, many of the texts submitted to the contest will be published in Substance ÉTS in order to make them available to as many people as possible. Look at Substance to discover them and learn about research at ETS!