An innovative and engaging initiative
Our activities and services continue to evolve in response to the needs of the ÉTS community – and they are flourishing!
In 2017-2018
(6 x more than 2016-2017)
(6 x more than 2016-2017)
Writing Blitzes
Group meetings
Volunteer students involved
"The Writing Experiment" with 40 people
Journal Clubs

Already integrated and active in many research labs at ÉTS
- Laboratoire de recherche en imagerie et orthopédie (LIO) and
Laboratoire de biomatériaux endovasculaires (LBeV)
Since June of 2017 – SARA Ambassadors conduct weekly activities on-site, in-lab, with the help of our team (average participation 7-10 students per week). These research groups were the first to work with us in integrating SARA activities within their labs; in fact, many activities, including Journal Clubs, were initiated in these labs.
- Laboratory for multimedia communication in telepresence (Synchromedia)
Since January 2018 – an average participation of 8 students every 2 weeks. The students already want more!
Active in the scientific community
Two articles and two oral presentatations at the 2018 conference for the American Society For Engineering Education (ASEE):
- Lala, P., Langevin Harnois, F., El Boussaidi, G., Desrosiers, C. & Laporte, C. (2018). « Providing sustainable scientific writing support for graduate engineering students by creating a local scientific learning community ». In 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Salt Lake City, UT, June 24-27, 2018).
Langevin Harnois, F., Harrison, J., Lala, P., El Boussaidi, G., Desrosiers, C. & Laporte, C. (2018). « Promoting good scientific communication habits by leveraging the community of practice within a single research group ». In 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Salt Lake City, UT, June 24-27, 2018).
- ACFAS 2018 Congress : Participation of SARA as experts in scientific oral communication. SARA team members conducted a training workshop before the congress and also gave feedback to presenters during the congress.
- NSERC CREATE Program (McGill, Université de Sherbrooke, ÉTS) : A half-day training and interactive workshop on scientific communication for students in the CREATE program
- Scientific communication at the UQO : A half-day training and interactive workshop for members of CIUSSS (Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal)
- Scientific abstract writing contest: Jury made up of 16 professeurs from ÉTS. Many articles were then published in Substance ÉTS.
And the students love it!
Is SARA accomplishing its mandate to help students? See for yourself with some comments left by students on what they think of the service: